What’s been happening in Year 3/4 BDR?
It’s been a very busy Term 2 in Year 3/4 Baldock / Ruddock. Please read on to discover what we have been up to……
Lego Spike – Technologies
In Technologies this term, we have been using Lego Spike to learn to problem-solve and code. For the students’ Assessment piece, they had to create their own Lego Spike design using the motor and either a sensor or light. In the video below, our students will explain and demonstrate their creations.
Information Reports – English
In English this term we have been focussing on Information Reports. We started off with unpacking our learning intention. Our learning intention was to plan, draft and publish informative texts demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features and selecting print and multimodal elements appropriate to the audience and purpose.
This task seemed a bit overwhelming at first, but once we discussed all the words, we understood and explored further the ones we didn’t. We soon understood what we needed to do to achieve the learning intention. Words like control over text structures meant including headings, paragraphs, and subheadings, and multimodal elements meant choosing the way you would like to publish your information report, such as in a poster, video, book, or audiobook.
Below is a video of our students presenting a fact from their information reports from our recent Assembly.
Unfortunately, on the day that our class was meant to be celebrating our Mass, our school had a blackout. Our Mass was cancelled, but it certainly was a novelty for our students trying to keep themselves entertained on a very dark morning.
Health and HASS with Mrs Ruddock
In health we have been learning about acts of kindness and taking mindful action in the world. Students have been identifying what acts of kindness are, performing acts of kindness to the class, identifying what mindful action in the world is and, when given a scenario, deciding whether this is a mindful or unmindful action. In HASS, students have been determining what a community is and which communities they belong to through a poster. Some students have identified school and family as their main communities and then added sporting or club communities to their posters.
Podcasting Leaders Day
Callum from our class recently attended the Arch D Podcasting Leaders Day, where he collaborated with other students from different schools to create a podcast. This podcast has been published on Spotify, and you can listen to it below.