Nativity Stars and Playgroup
Nativity Stars
Transition to school is not just about the first day of school; it is a process that happens over time. It begins when children and families start to think about and prepare for commencing school.
With this in mind we have created the Little Stars Transition Program for children about to commence Reception at Nativity. Little Stars takes place on the Fridays of terms 3 & 4 the year prior to starting reception. Initially it is for a half day in term 3 and then a full day in term 4.
The aim of Little Stars is to:
Nurture each child’s self worth by creating an atmosphere where children feel respected and loved.
Encourage children through play and set tasks to explore, invent, discover, question and experiment.
Work in partnership with parents to prepare and facilitate a positive start and transition to school for children and their families.

School of the Nativity has a Playgroup in the Geoff Simpson Hall every Monday of the school term from 9:00am – 10:30am.
Everyone is welcome to come along and enjoy a relaxed playgroup environment. There are set activities for children and caregivers to participate in to help caregivers engage in their child’s learning as well as free play activities and equipment for children of all ages to play.
We ask that you please bring along a healthy snack and a drink for children. If you like, you may also bring your child’s favourite book to read at story time! The cost for the playgroup is a gold coin donation each session.

Early Years Students have access to iPads and laptops provided by the school. Students also have excellent access to a Campus wide wireless network. The iPads and Laptops are used as an integral tool in the daily learning of our students.