Student Wellbeing
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Our Wellbeing Coordinator – Sally Paparella – works with the school community to promote social and emotional health and learning.
Kyra McMahon is our school counsellor available to provide individual counselling for students from Reception to Year 6.
At School of the Nativity we offer the following support, programs and initiatives.
Counselling at School of the Nativity
A counselling service is available to all our students and their families from Reception to Year 6.
Referrals for children can be made in one of three ways:
- Self-referral by students (specifically in Years 5-6)
- Referral by a staff member
- Referral by parents / caregivers
(Parental permission is required for students in Reception to Year 4.)
How can counselling be helpful at a Primary School level?
Counsellors listen carefully to children to find out how they feel, what they think about, what they enjoy and dislike, and what they are confused about. They can help children to make sense of things that seem confusing or upsetting.
Counsellors can help children to feel better about themselves and make changes in their lives. They assist children to find their strengths and help with solving problems.
Counsellors can also talk with family members about issues affecting their children.
Common issues students present with include difficulties with friendships, grief, assertiveness and anxiety.
For further information please contact, or contact your child’s teacher.
Buddy Classes
Each fortnight classes meet with their designated buddy class. We engage in “Play is the Way” games to teach social and emotional skills using guided play and an empowering language. Through these activities, we build relationships and consolidate the personal and social capabilities of students.
Kids Matter
Our school is on the pathway to Kids Matter accreditation. Our Kids Matter Action Team is engaging our school community through each component.
Kids Matter Primary is a mental health and wellbeing framework for primary schools and is proven to make a positive difference to the lives of Australian children. It provides the methods, tools and support to help schools work with parents and carers, health services, and the wider community to nurture happy balanced kids.
More information can be found at:
Student Leadership Team
Our Student Leadership Team (SLT) meets fortnightly to discuss ideas and issues that have arisen via class meetings. We have representatives from Reception to Year 6. Through our SLT we can help students to:
- Have an opportunity to develop leadership skills
- Gain an understanding of democratic principles
- Gain skills in learning how to work as a team
- Develop creative and enterprising solutions for issues raised via class meetings
Seasons For Growth
“Seasons for Growth” is a program for children who have experienced significant change or loss. It is based on the belief that change, loss and grief are a normal and valuable part of life. We examine the impact of changes such as death, separation, divorce, and natural disaster upon our lives, and explore how we can learn to live with and grow from these experiences.
Depending on the varying needs of our student community, we offer Seasons For Growth groups for students at 3 levels:
- Level 1: 6-8 year olds
- Level 2: 9-10 year olds
- Level 3: 11-12 year olds
More information can be found at:
What’s The Buzz?
What’s the Buzz? is a social and emotional learning program designed to teach children how to think socially and make friendship work.
Our staff are trained in What’s The Buzz? This is taught in whole class and small-group settings depending on the needs of our student community.
More information can be found at: