Grandparents and Special Friends Day 2021
School of the Nativity is proud to present our annual Grandparents and Special Friends Day performance, captured on film for your viewing. Two performances took place on Friday, September 24, 2021, to limited but very enthusiastic audiences. Our students were very excited to welcome members of our school community back to our school after a digital performance last year. We are also aware that many missed out on seeing the performance, so we hope you enjoy the film!
Our show, entitled “NATFLIX”, follows a family as they try to decide what to watch on television. You might spot a few of your favourite shows as you watch.
Our students worked exceptionally hard throughout Term 3 to learn lines, songs and choreography. We are grateful for the significant efforts of the staff who assisted in many varied ways with the preparations, both in the lead-up and on the performance day. We hope you enjoy the film, and we encourage you to share it far and wide!