Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of Nativity School
Welcome back to Term 3, special welcome to our new Reception Students and their families.
On Tuesday staff and students welcomed Lee Crockett into their classrooms to talk about what they are learning. Lee has been working with our teachers on cultivating self- directed Learner Agency and the focus of his chats with students were about learning provocations, learning intentions and success criteria. We will continue this work in Semester 2 with a focus on using Agency learning models. There are some photos below.
This term we are looking forward to presenting Nativity Counts Down a tribute to the 70’s and 80’s music and movies as our Grandparents Day performance. As Molly Meldrum would say “Do yourself a favour” and save the date Friday 27 September. More information will be sent home to families in regard to ticketing and luncheon details later in the term. Thanks to Marissa from Flava Dance Studios for her assistance with choreography once again. If you can help with costumes or make up, please let your child’s class teacher know.
Melinda will be running two workshops, one on Mathematics (14th August 9am) and the other on Reading (28th August 9am) for families in Reception to Year 2. These workshops will focus on strategies you can use to support young readers and mathematicians at home. Look out for the email to book in. If you are unable to attend and you are interested in learning more about this, please email Melinda.
Next Friday Levi and Casey will be joining me as Special Guests at the Cabra Dominican College celebration for St Dominic’s Day. This will be a great opportunity for these students to get a taste of life at Cabra and see the fantastic learning opportunities and facilities this secondary pathway offers. A reminder that applications for Cabra and Sacred Heart College are submitted when your child is in year 4 and prior to the end of Term 3. Cate and Lisa have a prospectus and enrolment forms for both schools in the front office if you need them.
This term we will be celebrating Book Week with a performance on Monday 19th August. Students will also have an opportunity to vote for their favourite picture books. These shortlisted books will be read in classrooms after lunch each day by a special guest teacher. We will also be celebrating the Olympic Games in the next two weeks thanks to the Student Leaders who are organizing a medal tally and Green and Gold Day on Friday 22nd August.
As always, if you would like to talk about your child’s learning or wellbeing please make a time to meet with your child’s class teacher and remember that Melinda, Rachel and I are also happy to support you to if needed.
God Bless