Term 3 News From 3/4 C
Term 3 in 3/4 Carlson has been extremely busy with a lot of learning, our Class Mass and of course the most exciting thing, Grandparents Day!
R U OK Day was celebrated on the 12th of September, which sparked some wonderful conversations in our class about realising we should always check in with our loved ones and friends every day!
As part of this day, 3/4 Carlson created love hearts for all the staff members of our school. We were each assigned someone to write about, stating something we love about them and thanking them for something they do for our school. We hand delivered these on Friday morning to brighten up their day and the responses from all staff were lovely!
During English, our learning focus has been on Information Reports. The class has been busy creating our assessment piece, which involved choosing a topic of our choice from three different options: Weather, Countries or Animals. Each student has had a say on their topic and have been busy working extremely hard on their final product. We can’t wait until they are finished and hanging in our classroom!
As for Grandparents Day, excitement has been in the air for a few weeks now! We are coming to single digit countdown of the performance and we can’t wait. Sneak peak of our theme for the dance.. “Do you remember, the 21st of September??” See you on the stage!!