What’s happening in 1/2W
This term 1/2W have continued with their science unit which has focused on ‘Space ‘and they had great fun at the Early Years excursion at the University of South Australia Planetarium at Mawson Lakes. The resident astronomer was impressed by their knowledge and engagement. Students participated in a session which focused on constellations and positions of the near planets in the sky. Students made their own satellites and identified their many uses, i.e. communication, weather, and security. Students also designed their own planets and described the terrain, atmosphere, weather and if it could support life.
In Mathematics, students have been investigating location and direction. They made their own maps of the school with identifying features within the Campus. The investigation into direction and location focused on helping students understand the concepts of spatial awareness, orientation, and positional language. Additionally, students made their own pirate maps . They explored how to describe and navigate various locations using directional terms like north, south, east, and west. They considered how locations related to one another and how they could communicate about places effectively.