From The Principal
Dear Families,
I hope that over the summer break you have had some time for relaxation and rejuvenation.
A warm welcome back to the school year for term one to all our students, those returning and new, along with their families who begin their journey with us this year. Can you believe the first day of school for 2025 is almost here?
This week our dedicated team of educators and support staff are working diligently to prepare for the school year, designing engaging and meaningful learning experiences that cater to the diverse needs of our students and participating in their own professional learning. They are also looking forward to meeting with you for our planned wellbeing meetings on Friday.
At Nativity we believe in the significance of a strong partnership between school and home. This year, I encourage you to actively engage with your child’s education by maintaining open lines of communication, taking opportunities to meet with our staff, participating in school activities where you are able and keeping up to date with our communication via email, website and Seesaw.
Our parent information evenings are scheduled for week 3 and more information will be communicated about these soon. Meanwhile, a reminder that you can find our Parent Handbook on the website and class teachers will upload information to Seesaw. This week each teacher will post a welcome message to their students, so watch out for this. If you are unsure about anything please feel that you can contact our office staff this week between 8.30am and 3.00pm (If you pop in to school you will see some changes to our front office).
As we begin the school year a gentle reminder about the importance of attendance. Regular school attendance supports students to learn better and to maintain friendships. Additionally, attending school every day helps children to build social and emotional skills such as communication, teamwork and resilience. If for any reason your child is late or absent, please advise our office staff prior to 8.45am.
The canteen will be open on the first day of school with a limited menu. The full menu will be available from Wednesday onwards. When you access the QKR App you will be prompted to update your profile details for 2025.
The Uniform Shop will be open on Thursday 8.00am to 4.00pm and on Friday 1.00pm – 4.00pm. Their usual term time opening hours of Monday 2:30pm-4:00pm and Wednesday 8:00am-9:30am will resume next week.
Thank you for working in partnership with us and for entrusting us with the education of your children. Please be assured that the staff at Nativity do not take this privilege lightly.
I look forward to a successful and rewarding year ahead and seeing you all on Tuesday 28th January for the first day of the 2025 school year.
There will be a welcome coffee in the St Joseph’s kitchen from 8.45 am to welcome all our families. Please join us if you can. Also a reminder that you are welcome to join our beginning of year celebration mass on Thursday 30th January at 9.15am.
God Bless,