Classroom News From 5/6HB
5/6 Harrison and Baulderstone have started off the year with excitement and fun. We spent the first week getting to know everyone and setting up our classroom expectations. We explored our RISE to Thrive elements of Respect, Inclusion, Safety and Empathy. Students reflected on what this looks like in our class community and how we should be treating others.
Our Year 5/6 students will be completing applications this week for various leadership positions. Year 5’s have the opportunity to be on the Student Leadership Team (SLT) and our Year 6 students have the option to apply for Sports Day Captain, Student Leadership Team (SLT), Kitchen Garden Leader, Performing Arts Captain, Technology Captain, Sustainability and Yard Crew Leader and Library Assistant. We are looking forward to seeing what students are interested in doing and what they want to achieve in these roles.
In Mathematics, we are beginning our unit on number. In this, students will be recapping place value, identifying square, prime and composite numbers, exploring fractions, decimals and percentages and exploring different strategies to multiple and divide numbers. We will be incorporating a range of game based warm up activities to build mathematical skills and fluency.
In English, we are starting our writing unit on narrative. Students will be exploring how to generate ideas like an author, describing settings and characters, use sizzling starts, vivid verbs, dialogue and will edit for run on sentences, sentence combining.
In Religious Education, we are looking at belonging to a community and how the Holy Spirit helps us to belong to our community. We have been doing this through artwork and class discussions.
We are looking forward to a great year together!
Emma Harrison and Rachel Baulderstone